Coming home from a lovely weekend in Sheffield, I listened to Fern Cotton to add some ease to my Sunday night drive. A journalist came on the radio talking about how she hit her 30’s and realised she wasn’t happy! Having a good job, nice clothes and places to go on the weekend wasn’t hitting the spot anymore and all these things just left Marianne Power lost, a feeling of emptiness. So what she did was follow a new self-help book each month for one whole year to see if it made a difference to her life. In all of this, she was searching for perfection and a perfect Marianne! What she actually found was a feeling that it is ok to not be perfect. That there isn’t actually a perfect person out there. And that through all the ups and downs of this particular year, she found how to smile at a stranger on her commute to work. Marianne also realised that she had to think outside her usual cosy box and push herself to do things she might have otherwise said, “Mmm, no thanks!”
I loved listening to this story and it made me think that I ‘get’ what Marianne was thinking with the whole perfection thing. I’ve seen a few women in my time that have seemed ‘perfect’ and been very thin and pretty but holding very sad eyes behind the smile (showing they weren’t really happy) or someone who absolutely strives for the ultimate goals every minute of every day but never looks relaxed made me think, I have personally turned such a corner on this whole topic. Maybe it’s my age? Hitting mid-forties does bring a sense of self-worth and assurance I have to say. I don’t seem to be phased as much by people’s opinions of me and I like that. Being comfortable about who you are and what you are trying to achieve in life is definitely worth its weight in gold. Of course your direction can get given an inspirational bolt of lightning and change (no doubt about that) but if you are in a place right now where you can relax and go with the flow, then that’s all that matters. So after listening to her interview, I ordered the book and am currently powering my way through it and loving it!
Whilst continuing to drive home that night I started thinking of Autumn. A time of change and reflection. The night was drawing in and at this time of year in particular I find my complete love of green creeping back in! I started having an obsession with green 2 years ago and all I can say is my clothing collection has grown, as well as my desire for a dark green kitchen. Walls are definitely having a moment in green and so is furniture. Mixing dark shades with foliage and plants will definitely bring a sense of peace, balance, and nature to the home and I believe this is why the colour is becoming so popular. In a world of technology and long working hours it is hard to escape from our daily lives but creating a calm, green balance at home brings a sense of botanical joy on a dark Autumn/Winter evening. Add into the mix a hint of black and pop of brass and … well, it just enhances the space!
Here are some of my favourite inspiring things I have found in this luxurious, deep, enticing colour.
  1. Tiles. Adding Green tiles as splashback will give a focus but just enough to impress.
  2. Cushions in various shades of this wonderful colour.
  3. Adding green chairs to your dining table gives a wow factor.
  4. A deep dark green wall with lots of plants and mid-century cabinetry has a cool edge.
  5. If you are brave enough a dark green kitchen. Just so classy and timeless.

Featured Image – Paper Mill Studios

Green chair Image – Rockett St George

Green walls Image – Pinterest

Green Kitchen Image – Devol Kitchens






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